If you have made any transactions at Karya Siddhi Hanuman Temple in the past, such as sponsoring a puja, or made a donation, or contributed to Hanuman Setu Bhanda,
or purchased an item, you should already have an account with the Karya Siddhi Hanuman Store. You should NOT attempt to register or create a new account in this case
as the chances that your email ID is already in the system is high. So you can use the Reset/Forgot Password link to try your email ID and see if
that email ID is in Store system. If none of your email ID's worked please go ahead and register a new account and start using the system.
Please enter last & first name as you would like it to be displayed on your year end tax statement. After registration
please login and enter your family details with Gotra & Nakshatra details so that the Temple can use this during your scheduled