Saundarya Lahari Saree Offering

Saundarya Lahari Saree Offering

A new and unique opportunity to offer a Shloka of Saundarya Laharii to Devi Swarupa Parama Pujya Sri Swamiji. 105 Shlokas from Saundarya Lahari (including the prarthana shlokas) are being painted on a saree in Devanagari script by a professional, and the saree will be offered to Parama Pujya Sri Swamiji on the occasion of the Samoohika Saundarya Laharii on July 7th morning.

The donation per shloka is $151, and all the donations will be used to make a fully GOLD saree alankarana for the newly consecrated Sri Raja Rajeswari Devi in Mysore ashram. It is Sri Swamiji’s sankalpa to have a gold saree made for Raja Rajeshwari Devi, and all the donors names will be shared to Sri Swamiji as well.

Please don’t miss this once in a lifetime opportunity!
